It’s…I have a lot of emotions about it, because Strange Horizons was I think the very first publication I regularly followed. I’m winding my way toward my final continuous comprehensive review of Strange Horizons. In the mean time, I’ll get right to the reviews! The bonus is available in three formats (the art looking best in the pdf) that are free to download, and I definitely encourage you to check it out. And already the publication shows great promise and a wonderful range. As I reserve the right to review reprints, I decided to exercise that to cover the story I haven’t already reviewed on QSR before.

#Sip shine reviews for free
To whet our appetites before then, though, there’s a special bonus issue that has gone out to supporters already but which I am super honored to announce is available to everyone to read for free right now! The issue includes two reprint stories (one of which appears both in the original Spanish and translated into English and which I've reviewed previously), two original poems, a short graphic story, and a bunch of wonderful illustrations and small announcements about the publication. Following a successful Kickstarter, there’s a new source of aquatic speculative fiction in town- Mermaids Monthly! Edited by Julia Rios, the publication is officially launching in the new year, with a one year planned run.