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Ployhar earn significantly less than the average income. In The United States those holding the Ployhar surname are 40.73% more likely to be registered Republicans than The US average, with 87.5% registered to vote for the party. In The United States the number of people carrying the Ployhar last name grew 2,220 percent between 18. The frequency of Ployhar has changed through the years. Ployhar Family Population Trend historical fluctuation It also occurs in Czechia, where 5 percent are found and Germany, where 1 percent are found. Not including The United States it is found in 2 countries. In The United States it is most frequent in: Montana, where 35 percent are found, Idaho, where 14 percent are found and Oregon, where 14 percent are found.

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The last name Ployhar is most widespread in The United States, where it is borne by 111 people, or 1 in 3,265,396. This last name is predominantly found in The Americas, where 94 percent of Ployhar reside 94 percent reside in North America and 94 percent reside in Anglo-North America. The last name is the 1,674,734 th most frequent surname on a global scale It is held by approximately 1 in 61,758,864 people. How Common Is The Last Name Ployhar? popularity and diffusion For other possible spellings of this name click here. It may also be rendered in the variant forms. The surname Ployhar is found most frequently in The United States. Where Does The Last Name Ployhar Come From? nationality or country of origin

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